· Steve Grice · linux kernel series · 6 min read
How to Compile the Linux Kernel from Source

Linux is everywhere, and there are plenty of Linux distributions available providing great out-of-the-box features. But what happens when you need to make an intricate, low-level change to system functionality? What if you wanted to get into kernel development and start to understand one of the world’s largest open source projects?
The first step to doing all of these things is compiling the Linux kernel from source. While it may seem tedious or trivial at first, this process will get you down in the weeds of the OS, allowing you to turn modules on or off, search for kernel features, and even examine (and if you’re brave, tweak) the raw source code that runs everything on your Linux machine!
This post is Part 1 of a series on the Linux kernel.
1. Install all dependencies.
Let’s jump right in. The code is nothing without the toolchain that compiles it! We’ll make use of our handy package managers to get everything we need.
If you use apt-get
(Debian / Ubuntu), use the following:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential
If you use yum
(Centos, RHEL, etc.):
sudo yum install git rpm-build redhat-rpm-config asciidoc hmaccalc perl-ExtUtils-Embed pesign xmlto
sudo yum install audit-libs-devel binutils-devel elfutils-devel elfutils-libelf-devel
sudo yum install ncurses-devel newt-devel numactl-devel pciutils-devel python-devel zlib-devel
2. Clone the source.
The absolute latest, bleeding edge version of the source is found on the Github account of Linus Torvalds himself, the mastermind behind Linux! You can check it out here.
To clone this, find a place to keep it (your home area is fine) and type the following:
git clone https://www.github.com/torvalds/linux.git
This will create a clone in a linux
folder wherever you ran the command. Make sure you have a steady connection - this may take a while!
If you have a spotty connection, or you’re in a hurry, you can create a shallow clone, which will clone only the most recent commit, rather than the entire history:
git clone --depth 1 https://www.github.com/torvalds/linux.git
3. Optional: Determine number of processors.
Building the kernel is a fairly labor intensive task for your computer. If you’re not utilizing all of your processors, it will take much, much longer.
If you know how many CPUs your computer has, great. If not, examine the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo
. Though you should verify this by examining the file yourself, the following command should give you the exact number of processors you have:
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l
Make note of this number - it will be important in the next few steps.
4. Configure the kernel.
Even Linux geeks like to use a GUI once in a while! The menuconfig program will turn your terminal into a mini-windowing system, allowing you to select which parts of the kernel are included in your build. To begin, run the following:
cd linux
make menuconfig
While in this program, you can use your arrow keys and enter/space bar to navigate and select modules. Another helpful trick is to press the /
key, which will allow you to search. As an example, type /HDMI
to get information on HDMI drivers in the kernel.
Once you have finished, select < Save >
and press < Ok >
to write to a .config
file in that directory. After this, feel free to < Exit >
the menu.
Another option is to use the make config
command, but this isn’t recommended. It will use the command line to ask you a long series of questions, requiring you to manually verify almost every setting in the kernel.
5. Create Compressed Image
It’s time for the moment of truth (one of them, anyway). We’re going to create bzImage, which stands for “Big Zimage.” Don’t worry about what this means - just think of it as another step in the pipeline.
Remember the number of processors you found in step 3? Now’s the time to use it. Run the following, where <NUMBER OF PROCESSORS>
is your answer from Step 3:
make bzImage -j< NUMBER OF PROCESSORS >
For example, if your computer has 4 processors, you would use:
make bzImage -j4
This -j
option specifies the number of jobs to use when running the make
command. By using (at least) one job for each processor, you will take better advantage of your CPU’s resources and speed up the build process significantly.
While there is some debate over the exact jobs-to-processors ratio that provides the optimal performance, using a 1:1 ratio as a rule of thumb should work well enough getting started. Since the effectiveness of this may vary depending on what the job is, feel free to mess around with other numbers, benchmark results, and find what works best.
For the remainder of the article, we will assume 4 CPUs, hence -j4
. Remember to change this if your system is different.
6. Link Modules
For the next step, run the following command:
make modules -j4
This will link any modules marked as ‘M’ in make menuconfig
to the kernel image created in the last step. Anything marked as ‘Y’ will already be included in that image.
7. Install Modules
Now we will install kernel modules in /lib/modules
. This can be accomplished with the following:
sudo make modules_install -j4
Note that we had to prefix the command with sudo
. We need to perform this step as a superuser because it involves copying files to sensitive system locations that are often locked down.
8. Install the kernel
Finally, we will install our kernel to /boot
. Use:
sudo make install -j4
Congratulations, our kernel is built and present in /boot
! The next step is to figure out how to boot into our kernel and see it in action.
Before we do anything, let’s confirm which kernel we are using. In your home area, use the following to show the current kernel in use:
uname -r
You may want to write this down or redirect to a file for later comparison, but if you can remember it, more power to you!
The kernel must now be configured in the system bootloader so that it will be used on the next restart. If you’re using the ever-popular grub
, you can use:
sudo update-grub
If all is well, a reboot should use the new kernel. Try it now, and confirm the new kernel is in use with uname -r
Thanks for reading through - I hope you learned something! If you’re hungry for more, read the next article, in which we will make some simple modifications to kernel source code.
In an even later article, we’ll be creating a basic kernel module.
- https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/I_need_the_Kernel_Source
- ftp://ftp.wayne.edu/ldp/en/Kernel-HOWTO/ar01s10.html
- https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/20864/what-happens-in-each-step-of-the-linux-kernel-building-process?newreg=4067157d2de24c1c99b0ab222a59366f
This post is Part 1 of a series on the Linux kernel.