Β· Steve Grice Β· keyreader  Β· 1 min read

Can we build our own Kindle, with a twist? | KR1

Have you ever wanted to READ and LISTEN to a book at the same time? If so, watch on while I show you the pitch, plan, and design for KeyReader, a proposed app that gives you the option to listen and read the same book, switching between these two activities seamlessly.


  • 0:00 Intro
  • 0:21 The Pitch (Take Back Tech)
  • 1:30 The Story
  • 2:19 The Problem
  • 3:09 KeyReader to the Rescue
  • 4:31 The Plan
  • 4:35 MVP1: Text Only
  • 5:15 MVP2: Audiobook Reader
  • 6:26 Other Ideas
  • 7:05 Implementation Plan
  • 7:38 Approach
  • 8:24 Coding Video Format
  • 8:45 Issues Plan of Attack (MVP1)
  • 9:40 The Design
  • 9:51 System Architecture
  • 10:29 UI Flow / State Model
  • 11:16 Made with Mermaid
  • 11:31 Screens
  • 11:58 Components
  • 12:32 Listener/Reader Wireframes
  • 12:38 Long-Winded Outro
  • 13:03 Merging the MR
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