Β· Steve Grice Β· what i learned recently  Β· 1 min read

WILR1: React Native Basics

Here’s a brain dump of everything I learned this week about React Native.

I’m trying out a new format where I ramble and don’t edit anything.

Code: https://github.com/pagekeysolutions/example-react-native


  • 0:00 Intro
  • 2:40 Installing Dependencies - npm, yarn, expo
  • 3:25 Generating the project - expo init
  • 4:55 Looking at template app
  • 6:16 Blank typescript app
  • 6:40 Adding a button
  • 7:50 Watch out for Divs and Raw Text
  • 11:00 Implementing Navigation
  • 17:50 Managing State with React Hooks
  • 18:30 useState hook
  • 20:45 Async Storage for Persistence / Saving Data
  • 22:33 AsyncStorage setItem
  • 23:50 AsyncStorage getItem with useEffect hook
  • 27:20 How to specify styles
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