· Steve Grice · what i learned recently  · 3 min read

WILR2: Rust Beginnings (minigrep)

I learned some basic Rust by following the Rust Book’s Chapter 12, where they show us how to build a minigrep command-line application.

What you see below are very rough notes I took as I went through this for the first time. Hopefully this, along with the video walkthrough, is helpful to you in some way.


  • 0:00 Intro
  • 0:32 Installation
  • 0:45 Discussing the Rust Book
  • 2:13 The finished code
  • 2:44 What it does
  • 3:56 Code walkthrough

Installing Rust


  • Just use script:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
  • If having trouble on proxy, use minimal installation
    • (I was having trouble with rust-docs)

Rust Book Ch. 12


  • Importing standard libraries: you can import std::env::args if you want, but it’s not recommended. Better to import std::env to prevent name conflicts
    • Either way, use seems to take the last thing and make it accessable. use std::env makes env accessible, use std::error::Error makes Error accessible
  • env::args() returns an iterator, and collect() turns it into a vector (basically a list) so that we can use it
  • expect() fails out and prints a rust backtrace (ugly)
  • First: Can simply return a tuple
  • Then, abstract the tuple to struct Config - this way, you can name your fields
  • Adding impl Config, and new method: Allows you to “instantiate” the Config object using args
  • Checking for errors: Can panic!(), which is like expect! in that it prints a backtrace (ugly)
  • Alternative: Return a Result and let the caller handle it. Ok() with return value or Err() with message
  • unwrap_or_else: Alternative to expect()
    • expect() gives you the return value in Result, or panics
    • unwrap_or_else gives you the return value if ok, otherwise lets you handle it in a block of code
    • ”custom, non-panic error handling”
    • Uses a Closure, or anonymous function
  • std::process lets you exit with error code, much like python’s sys.exit
  • Box<dyn Error> is a trait object
    • Basically means what it returns must be a subclass of Error
    • Ending a line with ? instead of expect(): Returns the error automatically instead of panicking
  • if let syntax?? Similar to unwrap_or_else?
  • We move our code to separate lib.rs file - it calls this a separate crate? This way, it can be tested. Added pub everywhere
  • Tutorial uses TDD! My heart!
  • Lifetime 'a marks the argument with matching lifetime of return value. So return value will live as long as the contents variable
  • Topics covered: file input and output, lifetimes, testing, and command line parsing.
  • Env to add case sensitivity
  • Print to stderr with eprintln!
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