Β· Steve Grice Β· plaintext daw  Β· 1 min read

DAW9: Advanced TDD with Pytest

In this video, we use patch.object to test that other methods in the class are called while keeping the test scoped to a single unit - true unit tests!

We also continue to apply Test Driven Development (TDD) to create our ResourceManager class, which will serve as a great foundation for the application when it’s complete.


  • 0:00 Lessons Learned
  • 0:54 Merging PR #10 from LTstrange
  • 1:44 Figuring out next steps
  • 2:11 Starting get_song
  • 2:21 Implementing check_types and refactor
  • 3:38 Implementing get_song
  • 3:52 Adding patch.object
  • 4:16 WARNING! False test pass with called_with method
  • 5:11 Changing the Song class
  • 5:36 Getting fancy with assert_has_calls
  • 6:08 Implementing get_pattern
  • 6:10 TIP! Argument order for patch decorators
  • 6:43 Finishing up get_song
  • 7:09 Reordering methods in both files
  • 8:06 Implementing get_instrument
  • 8:17 Implementing get_pattern
  • 8:36 Implementing get_note
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